Be careful with what you say!

Beyond that you get dark circles, have a bad mood or lack of concentration, when you sleep bad you can cconfess any secret or lie .

According to the University of Michigan Those who stay awake for 24 hours are 4.5 times more likely to confess the lies than those who rest well or who sleep eight hours a day.


Be careful with what you say!

It may seem tempting to keep wakes up a person all night so that he confess all his secrets , but researchers say there could be mistakes , since many times false truths are said.


Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of false confessions and reveals things that, in reality, never happened. All this because the brain does not have the capacity to reflect properly. "

The best way to prove this is that in the United States that technique was used to makeospechosos will accept the crime ; however, 25% of these confessions were false.

So if you are a person who likes keep awake or sleeping little, it is best to change your habits to have a better quality of life and avoid revealing things that you could regret.


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