Damage to the body from noise?

Any sound intense as music, snoring during sleep or the operation of machines can be extremely annoying and irritable, as they come to disturb the communication that we share with other people.

A noise it can be annoying for your intensity and intermittence, but also because of the attitude towards him. During the day we can rarely feel disturbed by listening sounds around 55 decibels equivalent to those of a conversation . However, for the night until a whisper can be irritating and provoke us insomnia .


Damage to the body from noise?

The noise is any sound to be unpleasant for the human being, explains the doctor Santiago Jesús Pérez Ruiz , of the Center for Applied Sciences and Technological Development (CCADET) of the UNAM .

The big ones cities are constantly exposed to urban noise product of transit of vehicles or aircraft, works public or activities of the community where you live, work or socialize.

One of the consequences of high exposure to noise is the lost permanent of the hearing , after a prolonged period of exposure to noise levels greater than 85 decibels , equivalent to the noise that is generated in industrial workshops .


If, after being exposed, there is no rest well the ear in a silent environment, raising the threshold of loss of hearing will be irreversible, affirms the doctor Pérez Ruiz

Some effects neuropsychological what causes us the noise are the stress , the lost of dream and the fatigue . In addition, our organism can experience an increase in pulse and blood pressure , the narrowing of the blood vessels, the abnormal secretion of hormones, the muscle tension Y ulcers .

For to protect the hearing, the doctor Pérez Ruiz recommends decreasing the sound level of the stereo and the TV , get away from sources of intense noise, avoid using horn and use auditive protectors . Do not expose yourself!

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