Aromatherapy fights overweight

To lose those extra kilos is essential to do diet Y exercise, with discipline and much desire; however, some alternative therapies, as the aromatherapyThey also do their bit.It is not a magic formula...

Self-esteem is recovered by using the credit card

When our self-esteem is threatened, we tend to buy more and use "more" the credit card to make the payments, revealed a study of the Cornell University in United States.The text, published in the...

Lose weight with acupuncture

The acupuncture, together with a diet healthy and exercise, can help you lose weight and eat in a controlled manner. It can also improve your overall health by treating digestive problems or the...

Lose weight even if you have gastritis

The gastritis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the coating of stomach; between the symptoms of gastritis There is pain, heartburn and Reflux. The problem is aggravated when the...

Harmony with food prevents overweight

The rainbow diet is one of the best ways to have proper nutrition, in addition to promoting health and preventing diseases and overweight. This type of food includes colorful and aromatic foods,...

Lose weight with GetQoralHealth

In order to reduce the overweight and the obesity that prevail in Mexico, an online program was created for women and men to recover their figure safely and effectively. To be part of this new...

Drinking only water does not reduce body weight

Drinking between 6 and 8 glasses of simple water a day is essential to optimize your quality of life. The natural water It is calorie free, but it is a myth that the more water you drink, the more...

Losing weight is not achieved with tennis wonder

The wonder products They do not solve their weight problems, but they could even harm your health. This is indicated by the publication of the newspaper Reforma. Creams, tennis and bracelets will...

Losing weight is an identity goal

In his article "When the intentions are made public", Dr. Peter Gollwitzer, professor of psychology at the University of New York, studies how plans and objectives affect knowledge and behavior,...

Colon cancer linked to obesity and alcohol

The obesity, the habit of smoking, abuse in the consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity and a diet with excess red meat of beef, lamb, liver or processed with sausages and other cold meats, cause...

Bed bug with superbug is discovered

Do you worry about mosquitoes at night? Canadian researchers have discovered that small insects that are usually in your bed can transmit diseases because they carry bacteria resistant to...

Cellulite is generated by lack of creativity

Did you know that the personal and emotional limitations that people suffer when they are small, especially women, are reflected in the form of cellulitis?In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the...

High cholesterol and hypertension cause memory loss

Men and middle-aged women who have levels of high cholesterol and hypertension, are more likely to develop early cognitive and memory problems, according to a study of the French National Institute...

Keys to gain weight

There are several reasons why it is necessary gain weight, including recovery after illness, sports reasons, eating or psychological disorders,anxiety or depression, as well as to have a greater...

Eating fast triples the risk of overweight

Without a doubt, bring a diet balanced, as well as perform some kind of physical activity or exercise, they are fundamental to be in shape. However, the fact of eating in an accelerated way and not...

How to meet the goal of losing weight

The beginning of a new year is a very propitious moment to elaborate a plan realistic of those purposes or goals that we plant, like the one lose weight.Therefore, we give you some recommendations to...

Results vs "I can not"

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) at least 60% of the world population is sedentary; This implies that they do not perform any kind of physical activity, and therefore do not obtain...

Connect with your vital center

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the vital center is the place where the body's energy reserves accumulate and it is located below the navel, at a point called also which coincides with...

Pollution detonates overweight

According to a study of Center for Biomedical Research in Network-Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn), the pollution detonates the overweight, obesity and the diseases...

Control your neurons to eat healthily

Obesity and overweight are aesthetic and health problems that affect a large part of the Mexican population, both adults and children. This situation has led to the creation of treatments aimed at...