1. Check your current condition

According to the American College of Sports Medicine , the training of force is an essential part of a complete program of exercises at all levels of physical activity.

This type of training has many benefits, because it not only helps you tone up your muscles , also corrects your posture, allows you to burn calories , improve your cardiovascular health and digestive .

Leopoldo Torres , director for Latin America of Precor, explains to GetQoralHealth the Benefits and keys to integrate the training of force to you routine of exercises.


1. Check your current condition

To start with the training of force It is important that a trained person, such as a sports doctor, perform an evaluation that considers your physical condition in general, that you do not have an injury and your ability to resist.


2. Make it gradual

To start with exercises of force It is important that you know the capabilities of your muscles so as not to overwork them from the first day. The key is that you gradually increase the weight with which the exercise .


3. Balance between your body

Most beginners prefer to work with the muscles more showy like biceps, buttocks and pectorals. Concentrating in these areas could generate a decompensation in your body.

The convenient thing is to plan the same proportion of exercises for each area and not skip any day of the program and focus on the lower and upper body.

4. Uses appliances properly

The machines of exercise Recommended are those that adapt to the natural movement of your body, that are flexible, give you greater balance and stability and include indications by means of codes to reach your goals.

5. Build stronger muscles

It is essential to have the training of force so that your muscles grow , strengthen and increase physical energy. Even, the routines contemplate exercises that help you lead a healthier life.

6. You gain bone health

After age 30 you start losing about 1% bone strength, hence the training of force be one of the best measures to delay and to prevent this deterioration .


7. It is for all ages

The training of force It is for all people. However, the routines for children and young people is different from that of adults. The difference is physical ability.

For example, in children it is recommended that they work with their own weight so as not to affect growth. Adults seeking to strengthen their muscles and bones, are exercised in force devices that isolate the muscle groups to focus on a certain area to achieve their results.

If you want to start with the training of strength it is advisable that you do it in a gradual , do not try to carry more weight than your physical condition allows and start with a routine of preparation so that the body begins to adapt.

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