Cellulite is generated by lack of creativity

Did you know that the personal and emotional limitations that people suffer when they are small, especially women, are reflected in the form of cellulitis ?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the psychologist Y metaphysics , Martha Sánchez Navarro , reveals that the cellulitis does not originate because someone has overweight or obesity ; is the reflection of a emotion repressed during childhood:

"There are thin women who have cellulitis and chubby women who do not have it. It has to do with anger for lack of creativity, not putting your batteries on time, with creativity towards yourself, towards your vocation; in how I carry my life and my sexual intimacy. "

The owner of Health awareness , reveals that the fact of having had a repressed childhood, "because we had to comply with the tastes or decisions of those who at that moment were the authority in the home", generates the development of cellulitis , especially the one that appears on the legs and buttocks.

In this sense Sánchez Navarro, reiterates that all the diseases or illnesses that we have are the product of a emotion poorly managed and depending on the area in which it appears has a reason for being: "For example, people who usually get sick from the throat, is because they are afraid to say something; they live repressed for lack of freedom and security and it is reflected in that area of ​​the body ".

If you want to know a little more about metaphysics and psychosomatic medicine, which is the branch that explains that every disease is for an emotional cause.

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