6 tips from Lupita Jones to be fit

The director of Our Beauty Mexico, Lupita Jones, ensures that discipline and perseverance are the keys to always look beautiful. However, he knows that you always have to make certain changes of...

Ayurveda and digestion

According to Yogi Bhajan you have the right to be and you are what you eat; However, sometimes our digestive system can cause problems, so you should follow tips to improve digestion.In childhood, we...

6 reasons why you eat more

Think of the times when you have eaten in excess. Were you hungry or did you eat more food in response to a feeling or emotion? For many people eating is an instrument to face problems. Various...

Does your heart dominate everything?

Mexico, like several countries in the world, faces a serious problem of overweight and obesity in its adult population. A situation that could be caused by a characteristic that differentiates humans...

6 tips to show off a flat abdomen

We are the ones who eat, is a phrase that reflects a great truth. To the extent that we modify our eating habits we can see ourselves and feel better; consequently, enjoy a flat stomach Natural...

6 reasons why you do not lose weight

You've been weeks diet, you have taken 2 liters of water daily, eat salads and nothing? Are you still weighing 68 kilos? still carrying a balanced diet and practicing exercise regularly. This is not...

62% of Mexicans think that diseases are psychosomatic

Approximately 68% of Mexicans say they try to listen more to their bodies, while 64% pay more attention to health issues, revealed a survey conducted by Euro RSCG Worldwide.The Prosumer Report:...

6 tips to not gain weight over the weekend

The weekend is about to arrive and with it a series of excesses that break with your diet and they make you gain weight. According to the University of North Carolina, women add more than 115...

1. Lack of exercise

Abdominal fat is not only an aesthetic problem, according to researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital, abdominal fat reduces bone mineral density and therefore increases the risk of...

Natural technique

The low back pain it is the presence of discomfort in the lumbar region, which often runs down the buttocks and thighs. One of the solutions for back pain, especially in the lower part, is the...

7 tips to lose weight while traveling

Going on a trip, whether due to work or vacation, implies a problem to continue with the diet and the routine of exercises. For these reasons, most people rise from weight during the trips. So that...

7 tips for a healthy liver

According to the Mexican Foundation for Liver Health (FundHepa) Having a healthy liver is basic to gain health, improve your digestion and protect your internal organs, so it gives you 7...

7 tips to accelerate the metabolism

Accelerate the metabolism to get off weight is a strategy that many specialists follow nutrition when they see that other diets fail, says the doctor Solomon Jakubowicz. But why does this happen?In...

9 tips to avoid the sugar craving

The addiction to the sugar it is harmful to the Health, since frequent consumption produces diseases such as diabetes. According to a study of Food Chemistry, the craving for sugar It is as addictive...

Food addiction similar to drug addiction

Seeing a cue order can activate the same regions in the brain that turn on when a addict sees cocaine, according to a new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.Researchers used...

Natural foods favor your well-being

A diet healthy benefits the human being in all aspects, because natural foods promote well-being and restore the natural harmony of the individual, by balancing body, mind and spirit.In accordance...

Cures cravings

Cravings? Potatoes, creamy ice cream, chocolate? Many times what the body desperately asks for is a way to let people know what they need and what is happening to them.Discover what your cravings say...

Learn to fight muscle pain

The exercise in excess it can generate muscle pains delayed action; that is, hours after concluding an activity, the tissues they relax, which generates bodily discomfort.The specialists point out...

Top of movies to lose weight!

Do you want to lose weight in a simple and comfortable way? You just have to watch some horror movies to eliminate the same amount of calories as a 30-minute walk. But why burn calories with horror...

Increase your serotonin levels and lose weight

The tension and the stress are factors that decrease the levels of serotonin, hormone responsible for regulating the appetite. This hormonal decrease causes anxiety by eating, which translates into a...