Pollution detonates overweight

According to a study of Center for Biomedical Research in Network-Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn), the pollution detonates the overweight , obesity and the diseases cardiorespiratory

The research highlights that there are synthetic chemical compounds in the environment, associated with pesticides, insecticides, perfumes, plastics and cosmetics, which favor overweight .

In the next video, the doctor Rubén Bravo, of the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) explains how the pollution It influences overweight, as well as some recommendations to avoid it:

According to information published by the Spanish website The country , environmental pollutants are disguised as hormones , so they confuse organism , which causes metabolic alterations that modify the processes of accumulation of grease in the body.

For example, the so-called persistent organic compounds (cop), chemical substances with high resistance to degradation, accumulate in the food chain and being fat-soluble, they are concentrated in fats.

Meanwhile, pseudo-persistent compounds do not have the same ability to bind in the body, but exposure to these substances is so continuous that they also act as endocrine disruptors on a daily basis.

Exposure to these compounds, especially in the fetal stage and childhood, influences both overweight and diabetes.

However, remember that overweight and obesity are detonated by a combination of factors, such as eating habits, genetics, stress and sedentary lifestyle. In addition to taking care of your environment you must activate to combat overweight, which is a global problem.

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