5 beneficial foods for the kidneys

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for the good condition of our kidneys, because overweight and obesity are risk factors to develop diseases that can damage these organs, points out the...

5 foods to improve night productivity

For some jobs you need an extra dose of Energy, because it requires a greater effort, especially in those that take place at extreme times such as at night or early morning. Food is responsible for...

Foods that raise white blood cells

Food is the best strategy to strengthen the immune system in cold season, because it helps to increase the defenses through greater stimulation and production of white blood cells, according to the...

Take care of your figure without sacrifice

To have a healthy diet it is important to adopt a schedule for each type of food, especially at dinner. Next, interview for GetQoralHealth, the nutritionist Monica Maza, It describes what foods you...

5 organic foods vs diseases

The organic foods They are rich in nutrients and free of pesticides, so that they can fight some diseases caused by consuming high processed foods. grease and sugar or genetically altered.In an...

5 foods that help your brain

The brain human controls the actions and reactions of the body, being the engine of the Central Nervous System; is in charge of all activities such as digestion, breathing, the heartbeat heart, and...

A dose of health

For a country like Mexico, which occupies the first places in obesity and overweight according to a report published by the Organization of Nations Unit for Food and AgricultureIt is difficult to...

5 foods that you should reduce in your diet

If you already decided to adopt habits of Healthy life, it is important that you know that to benefit you even more with your new feeding, according to the portal huffingtonpost.com, you must reduce...

5 foods to reduce the chaparreras

exist Feeding Habits that cause the accumulation of fat in specific areas such as hip. However, there are foods that help you reduce your hips and chaps because of its depurative power....

If you can, restrict your consumption

There is foods Which are due avoid in the night because they can cause problems in the quality of the break, metabolism Y digestion.  Rebecca Flores Galleguillos, nutritionist at the School of...

They are your best allies ...

  Take into account! Much of the health of your intestine depends on the balance between 100 billion bacteria (about 10 pounds or 4. 54 grams of microorganisms.) The most important thing is that each...

5 foods that nourish your eyes

Food is basic for human beings, because thanks to it the body acquires the necessary nutrients for its development and the prevention of diseases. For example, there are natural products that, when...

4 tips to enjoy your cravings without gaining weight

According to the portal Health.com, enjoy our culinary cravings, increases the joy of people. About, Michelle May, doctor and author of the book: Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat (Eat what you...

Real delights for the palate

A study of Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the United Kingdom concludes that the learning and the memory not only depend on the size of the brain and the number of neuronsIt also influences what...

Do not deprive yourself of food!

If it is difficult for you control the appetite you feel all day, do not worry, there's foods what do you calm down the hungry. Its abundant nutrients like fiber, unsaturated fats and proteins make...

5 foods that reduce appetite

There are foods that help decrease the appetite already lose weight, according to the portal Huffington Voices since they have a satiating effect that makes you feel satisfied longer. These foods are...

Include them in your meals

It is well known that to maintain a teeth, bones Yhealthy nails It is advisable to include calcium in your diet daily, but also for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles Y nerves.  National...

5 foods that will make you look more attractive

Without a doubt, what we eat is a reflection of the physical age and emotional state of our body. Therefore, we leave you 5 products that make you look more beautiful, not only inside, but also in...

Start losing weight with your meals

There are foods with thermogenic effects that favor lost of weight. Some help burn plus calories for its compounds and nutrients that help speed up the metabolism.  The thermogenic effect in food it...

5 foods to prevent arthritis

The rheumatoid arthritis despite being a genetic disease, it can be prevented with an adequate diet that also helps relieve the symptoms of those who already have it.According to a study by the...