5 organic foods vs diseases

The organic foods They are rich in nutrients and free of pesticides, so that they can fight some diseases caused by consuming high processed foods. grease and sugar or genetically altered.

In an interview forGetQoralHealth , the chef -yoguiMariano Garcés, explains the benefits of consuming organic products:

Thanks to their properties, they also allow to prevent some diseases, which can be from flu and hypertension , until chronic degenerative or cardiovascular .

Therefore, we present you five organic foods whose consumption benefits your health, according to botanical-online.com:

1. Lentils . They are legumes rich in iron and easily assimilated, so they fight the anemia ; They also contain B vitamins, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. They are a good source of protein, so they are recommended to people suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, and constipation .

2. Beans. Its high content of isoflavones helps regulate the female hormonal balance, prevent osteoporosis and, for being a powerful antioxidant , prevents the development of breast cancer .

3. Spirulina algae . It is a freshwater seaweed rich in proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, especially iron. Activate metabolism , so it is recommended against arteriosclerosis , circulatory problems, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, constipation and depression .

4. Peppers Hot peppers contain high levels of capsaicin, which interferes with the receptors of the brain that cause pain, therefore, act as analgesics natural It also helps the weightloss

5. The chickpeas. Legume with high richness in lecithin, which controls the levels of cholesterol . Because of its choline content, they are also favorable for the liver, so it helps to prevent diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver cancer .

The consumption of organic products It is positive for the environment and our health, because the food does not lose its nutritional value or leave toxic waste in our body or in nature.

We invite you to buy organic products in our Product selection specially designed to take care of your health and figure //tienda.GetQoralHealth/nutricion.html

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Video Medicine: Are Organic Foods Safer? (April 2024).