You can not think of anything else!

Job instability, family problems or simply the demands of day to day, are sufficient reasons for a person to experience concern; which in the long run can affect your health. A study of Columbia University s suggests that this emotion may be related to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, diabetes and hyperthyroidism.

Liliana Traiber, expert of the Anxiety and Stress Clinic, notes that 8.9% of the general population is going to have a picture of excessive worry, and those who suffer most often are women. However, how can you control the worry?


You can not think of anything else!

An investigation of the University of Surrey describes worry as a chain of thoughts and images that are negative and relatively uncontrollable. Although there are some options to control the concern, with information froml Huffington Post we present 7 scientific tips to achieve them:

1. Give this emotion a time. Instead of worrying all day, designate a 30 minute period for your problem. Researchers of Penn State They found in a 2011 study that a four-step stimulus control program can help people take control of their anxieties: identify the object of concern, a time and place for worry, think of something else, be productive .

2. Goodbye to the internet. A recent study of anxiety in the UK showed that almost half of people feel "worried or uncomfortable" being away from email or Facebook.

3. Be aware. Having full knowledge of our emotions and thoughts can be the ideal strategy to avoid worries, since in this way it allows you to alter them and make them more positive, as indicated by a study of the University of Surrey .

4. Acceptance An investigation exposed in the Behavior Magazine Research and Therapy It showed that people who naturally try to suppress their unwanted thoughts end up feeling more anguish.

5. Write Leaving all your emotions on paper before making a decision can help you lessen your worry, according to a study published in the Science magazine. This is because the fears are emptied and the mind clears.

6. Breaking the rules. According to the University of California, following the rules can be stressful and a great source of concern. Something very different when they are broken as this can be liberating.

7. Keep your hands busy. Engaging in activities that keep your hands busy and your mind distracted may help you avoid thoughts of traumatic experiences, according to a study Medical Research Council, in England.

Controlling worry does not have to be an impossible action to perform, it trusts you and takes control of your life. Try it!