5 foods that will make you look more attractive

Without a doubt, what we eat is a reflection of the physical age and emotional state of our body. Therefore, we leave you 5 products that make you look more beautiful, not only inside, but also in your physical appearance.

According to the newspaper The universal , Carry one diet balanced contributes to improve our body image:

1. Spinach . This vegetable not only helps tone muscles, it also fights anemia; it contains abundant water; few calories and helps maintain the figure. It contains Vitamin A , which is beneficial for hair, skin, bones and eyesight

2. Egg. It is rich in proteins and vitamins A, B, D and E ; prevent cardiovascular diseases Y waterfalls ; It also brightens hair

3. Banana. It has a large amount of sugars, but few proteins and fats. It is high in potassium, magnesium and vitamins B, C and E. The banana gives you greater elasticity in the skin, which allows you to look younger

4. Nuts It gives you satiety and is rich in Vitamin E , which helps keep skin moisturized, hair healthy and muscles strengthened.

5. Flaxseed Not only prevents the constipation It also makes our hair and skin look better. It also helps to eliminate fats and accelerates the metabolism .  

Video Medicine: 5 Items That Will INSTANTLY Make You Look More Attractive (May 2024).