A dose of health

For a country like Mexico, which occupies the first places in obesity and overweight according to a report published by the Organization of Nations Unit for Food and Agriculture It is difficult to convert a high calorie meal into a healthy and beneficial dish not only to maintain weight but also for health.

However, what is a healthy dish? According to Harvard Guide, "Healthy Eating Plate", it must contain fruits of all colors, as many vegetables as possible, proteins (especially fish, poultry, beans and nuts) and whole grains, although refined ones such as white rice should be limited and replaced with whole grain cereals; example, brown rice.


A dose of health

Currently, the pace of most people is faster which prevents us from taking the time to prepare a healthy meal. Thus GetQoralHealth, with information from Huffington Post, presents you 5 foods that will make any dish healthier. Know them!

1. Cannellini beans. Thanks to the high content of proteins, soluble fiber, iron and proteins, beans are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. The cannellini beans, in particular, are ideal for any dish because they have an extremely soft and combinable flavor.

2. Chia seed. It contains dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, thanks to its fibrous shell, it can create a gelatinous consistency which gives you a feeling of satisfaction. It is ideal to integrate it into desserts, jams and smoothies.

3. Teff. This small seed has more calcium than any other whole grain (or seeds). In fact, it has approximately the same amount of calcium as half a cup of cooked spinach, depending on the Whole Grains Council . Add it to your soups or cookie flour and you'll have the ideal option to fill your body with calcium.

4. Almonds. These can last longer on any shelf without acquiring a rancid flavor. It is high in fiber and calcium and its flavor is ideal for any salty or sweet dish. They are ideal ingredients for vegetarian burgers.

5. Kelp. Seaweed can be one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Kelp, is a type of brown seaweed, is especially popular for its salty taste and its high level of calcium, vitamins A and C and iodine.

Having a healthy plate at your table does not have to be an impossible mission. There are an infinite number of options. Remember, for good health always try to maintain a balanced diet and incorporate 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine.

Video Medicine: Health Care - A Dose of Buckley (April 2024).