5 foods that reduce appetite

There are foods that help decrease the appetite already lose weight , according to the portal Huffington Voices since they have a satiating effect that makes you feel satisfied longer. These foods are ideal for snack, provide nutrients and are low in calories . GetQoralHealth it tells you which ones are the best.

1. Vegetables: Pumpkin, potatoes and broccoli are the vegetables that provide the most satiety. Although the potato contains starches that may incur the weight gain , if they are eaten cooked and not fried in the half day snack, it helps to eliminate the extra kilos.

2. Water fruits: Watermelon, melon, pineapple and papaya are composed of 95% water and have few calories . Inclúyelas at breakfast and dinner.

3. Seeds and grains: Walnut, hazelnut, flax seeds, provide fiber , proteins and natural fats ideal for a healthy diet.

4. Whole grains: Bread and brown rice with bran are perfect to provide carbohydrates natural and fiber to you diet .

5. Cheeses: It is an excellent source of calcium essential for bones and teeth. The calcium it is important to regulate and reduce blood pressure . So that the effect is not counterproductive, it consumes the low variants in calories , like light or non-fat cheeses.

Combine two of these foods in your mid-day snack, this way you decrease the appetite and the craving for junk food. Enjoy your meal!

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Video Medicine: Healthy Eating : How to Control Your Appetite (May 2024).