Importance of facial hygiene

Have a discipline to care for and protect our face from external factors such as Sun , pollution , cigar and poor diet, allows us to look younger, eliminate toxins what is in our body and prevent certain diseases and infections which are common in the dermis, such as pimples, pimples and some types of dermatitis.

The Mexican Society of Dermatology , indicates that it is necessary to wash the face in the morning and before going to sleep, to eliminate the impurities of our face. However, it is necessary that this facial cleansing be with products that do not contain chemicals, or artificial ingredients that damage the dermis of our face.

The goal of facial hygiene is to remove the dead cells that live on the surface of the skin; they prevent the dermis breathe and consequently, have adequate oxygenation.

Advantages of a healthy face

Having an adequate facial hygiene does not require a large investment. All you have to do is be constant; wash your face twice a day; use hypoallergenic products and dry your face with a clean towel.

There are several beauty clinics where they perform facial cleansing, with an approximate cost of 200 pesos. They generally use products that have active ingredients, such as antioxidants.

Causes of dermatitis

The dermatitis It is an inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to an irritating substance. Generally the skin is damaged as it comes in contact with chemical compounds that harm the conditions of our skin.

There are several causes of dermatitis, including friction, skin pressure, which leads to wounds, pimples and bruises; Excess heat or cold, sunlight, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, use makeup that contains many chemicals and do not wash your face daily. Touching your skin with dirty hands, etc ...

Enemies of the skin

According to dermatologists, there are certain factors that damage the life and texture of our skin. Know them! one.- Lack of moisture . Our face and body require moisturization and hydration. It is important that you drink lots of water, consume fruits, wash your face with cold water, to eliminate dead cells and apply a cream that hydrates and regenerates your skin.

2.- Sun . Due to the climatic changes that have been presented for more than 10 years, it is vital that you use a sunscreen on your face. Although it is not hot, it is necessary that you apply it to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays.

3.- Makeup remover . It is well known that the worst thing you can do to your face is to fall asleep with the makeup that you used all day. It is necessary that you disrobe and wash your face. Otherwise, you will suffer infections in the eyes and on your face, such as acne and the appearance of itching (small red granites on the skin).

4.- Cigar . This causes you to age earlier and make your skin look drier. You must get away from the smoke of the cigar, since in addition to causing many diseases, your skin will be mistreated and you will look bigger than you are.

If to this you add a balanced diet; Take two and a half liters of natural water and reduce the intake of junk foods, your skin will look smooth, hydrated and free of impurities such as pimples, pimples and pimples.

Video Medicine: 7 Personal Hygiene Rules You Break Every Day (April 2024).