5 foods that you should reduce in your diet

If you already decided to adopt habits of Healthy life , it is important that you know that to benefit you even more with your new feeding , according to the portal huffingtonpost.com, you must reduce the consumption of certain foods to detoxify your body, since the excess consumption of these damages your Health . GetQoralHealth tells you what these silent enemies are.

1. Less alcohol: It has been shown that in moderate amounts the alcohol increases the cholesterol good and prevents heart attacks . However, in excess it damages the liver health and it dehydrates you.

2. Less salt: If it is consumed in small quantities, the risk of heart disease up to 9%, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine . Avoid including it in your diet and season your food with herbs and spices.

3. Less sugar: High sugar intake is linked to risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and high levels of triglycerides . If you want some sweet food, choose a fruit.

4. Less saturated fats: The best option is monounsaturated fats, which are found in plant foods such as nuts, avocados and olive oil.

5. Less refined flours: They only add calories to you diet and lack nutrients. Better choose the breads and whole grains, which give you fiber and improve your digestion .

Finally, it is important to remember that any food in excess is harmful; the ideal is to consume the daily requirements of each food to enjoy good Health .

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