Actions from home

In Mexico 90% of young people between 11 to 19 years old have a bad oral health , according to National College of Dental Surgeons .


A healthy smile helps children to grow up with a pleasant physical image, which in the future will make it possible for them to get a job, "she says. Vicky Rodela , manager for Mexico of the professional oral health program of P & G

The problem is that in Mexico and Latin America odontology it is reserved for the elites. It is not a discipline that caters to people who can not afford it, says Fabio Bibanco , founder and volunteer president of the NGO Turma do Bem (TdB) .

That is why programs like "Dentist of Bem", which brings together dental surgeons who help cure problems mouth of children and young people, so that they have a healthy smile , they have a great importance.

For her part Viviana, reports that the diseases that most attack the mouths of children and youth in Mexico and Latin America are the cavities , gingivitis and periodontal disease, causing the loss of teeth .


Actions from home

Despite the seriousness of the problem, Bibanco affirms that the habits of oral hygiene that are learned in childhood thanks to parents can save millions of children from these diseases.

The expert shares the habits of oral hygiene that are essential in interview for GetQoralHealth


1. Tooth brushing

At least three times a day, using a brush appropriate to age and Toothpaste with fluoride.


2. Flossing

To eliminate waste of foods that are left between teeth . If possible, accompanying each brushing.


3. Reduce sugar intake

Although you can eat everything, the foods high in sugar they damage the toothpaste so it is better not to ingest them.

In addition to the above, it is important to go with the dentist at least once a year for a revision general.

Bibanco adds that the project "Dentist of Bem" will be able to help about 700 Mexican children and adolescents, thanks to the support of dentists that have and continue to add to the cause.

In general, the National College of Dental Surgeons reports that about 96% of the Mexican population does not have a good oral health .

Video Medicine: Rooms and Actions | At Home | Easy English Conversation Practice | ESL | EFL (April 2024).