Reach your dreams!

Happiness, like the beauty, in many aspects it is a subjective concept; in each person it is different and its origin can come from places, actions and people, which many would not expect. However,...

Is beauty the same for everyone?

Do you observe your reflection and simply "hate" it? In the search for work, friends or partner, appearance plays an important role since it can determine the acceptance of our person or rejection....

5 "defects" that will make you a successful woman

There are certain attitudes that could be taken as if they were negative but many can make you step in life, know them and apply these tips to succeed.For the communicator and image consultant Gaby...

"Decisions that change your life"

According to World Happiness Report 2013, published by the Earth Institute of Columbia University, Mexico ranks number 16 among the countries with the greatest happiness, above the United States.The...

5 details to give to mom

Usually, when you ask your mom what she wants as present, she usually sacrifices the personal for the practical, or prefers some detail to share with the rest of the family, so it is always modest...

5 differences between sadness and depression

The symptoms of depression Y sadness On many occasions they are difficult to differentiate due to their similarities, however; according to University of Chicago There are scientific studies and...

5 positive effects of stress

How many times a day have you felt that the stress invade your body and feel that you are about to explode? Most people have to deal daily with nervous tension, which can damage their quality of...

Does the second brain detonate osteoporosis?

Did you know that emotions influence the state of our health? Martha Sánchez Navarro, specialist in metaphysics, ensures that our thoughts and emotional traumas generate diseases such as...

5 emotions that they share

If you treat your pet as part of your family, you will be interested to know that humans and dogs share emotions, that is, they feel the same as us.According to a study published in the journal...

Identify the consequences of betrayal!

Has a person ever betrayed you? When someone defrauds your trust it is very difficult for you to forgive, due to the consequences of betrayal on an emotional and mental level.According to an...

Control them!

Do you forget everything? Beware, your emotions can influence this behavior, especially if you are a woman, according to a study of the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden.In the research published...

They also get sick

The mascots today they represent more than just that, they are an important part of the family and for that reason his health must be taken care of. Know the diseases who suffer from dogs It's a...

Melancholy that changes according to sex ...

Does sadness assail each one of your thoughts and actions? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in the year 2020, the depression will be the first cause of disability after...

Free yourself from stress!

Four out of every 10 Mexicans suffer work stress, responsible for the development of heart disease and obesity and guilty of low productivity at work; however, you can reverse this situation, if you...

Conversations that stimulate

Without a doubt, one of the most enjoyed moments is a talk of "coffee" with a friend or a to be loved. The conversations are also an opportunity to learn, in order to enrich this experience,...

Break your attachments

If you have noticed that someone or something is indispensable in you lifetime to the degree that you could not be happy is a sign that you are not prepared for the loss and that it costs you to...

It depends on the eye you look at it ...

Currently the stress It is present in almost every aspect of daily life: home, work and even free time. However, it is possible that this emotion related to the development of diseases such as...

Features that impact

Although ideally, the decisions that we took were based on real and subjective information, this does not always happen, feelings and other factors also participate. Now the researchers clarify how...

How the cell phone ends fun?

Although smartphones They are basically designed to keep you connected, they also work as a kind of entertainment. However, a investigation of the Kent State University seems to contradict this fact...

You may also be interested: Does happiness not last forever?

It is always nice to do a good deed for others, as a simple act that generates a smile. But in addition to that and to motivate you, you have to know that there are great benefits of being friendly...