
Have you ever wonderedWhat makes us sexy? We usually think of beautiful women with an incredible body, but it is not always like that. There are studies that claim that this goes beyond physical beauty.

TheSocial Issues Research Center of the United Kingdom affirms that less than 5% of the female population obeys the canon ofbeauty disseminated by the media. If other features are also taken into account, such asfigure and the ideal face , we would be talking about 1%.

WhileDavid Buss and Cindy Meston, from the Sex Psychophysiology Laboratory of the University of Texas, they found that amazing ways to be more sexy are more related topersonality and theattitude .

InGetQoralHealth we introduce youfive amazing ways to be more sexy .


1. The way of walking. TheUniversity of Bochum , Germany, states that this human expression producesacceptance orrejection . Women see in men steps withEnergy and decision, while they see in them a walk like the models on the catwalk, crossing their legs.

2. The smile. Smiling is infallible. The studyIntegrating Gaze Direction and Expression in Preferences for Attractive Faces ensures that people who smile are more likely to attract people because they reflecttrust , security , opening and intelligence.

3. Sleep well. This is a formula to see morehealthy Y attractive , ensures a study carried out by the Stockholm Sleep Laboratory in Sweden.

4. Show security. A person safe of herself it looks more attractive than others, says a study of the University of Vienna , in Austria.

5. Dressing in red. This color generates charm Y attraction . The University of Rochester in New York he demonstrated, bluntly, that men found sexually attractive, fertile and sexually attractive a woman dressed in red.

Although these studies reaffirm that being more sexy It goes far beyond the established beauty standards, a lot has to do with tastes and personality. Now it is in you to cultivate these qualities . And for you What is sexy?

Video Medicine: Be on their Mind * Law of Attraction * Attract anyone you Desire * Telepathy * Sleep Meditation * (April 2024).