5 snacks that raise your energy

The snacks healthy ones help recharge your energy, because according to a study of the University of Minnesota They balance sugar levels, which prevents you from feeling exhausted during the day.

The snacks half a day, they should be rich in proteins Y vitamin A, nutrients needed to protect the body from diseases. GetQoralHealth It suggests you lighter and healthier.

1. Black bread sandwich: Offers fiber , and if you add turkey breast they have enough proteins so you do not feel exhausted between lunch and dinner.

2. Fruit: Prepare small skewers, combine pieces of apple, banana, orange, watermelon and grapes.

3. Raw vegetables: Pica carrot, celery or cucumber and garnish with yogurt, these snaks They keep you energized until the time of the meal.

4. Whole wheat bread: Prepare a cream dip with olives or pickles and spread on whole-grain toast. You can also add cream cheese, a basil leaf and half a cherry tomato.

5. Gelatin: It is ideal for the office. Choose your favorite flavor and add pieces of fruit to make it more energetic.

To take care of your weight, avoid snacks junk like french fries or any kind of candy. These have calories empty that only make you gain weight. Opt for small portions of fruits, vegetables and low-fat products.

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Video Medicine: How to Boost Energy Naturally - The 5 Best Natural Energy Boosting Foods (April 2024).