Does the second brain detonate osteoporosis?

Did you know that emotions influence the state of our health? Martha Sánchez Navarro, specialist in metaphysics , ensures that our thoughts and emotional traumas generate diseases such as osteoporosis .

The osteoporosis it is the reflection of the moods that the affected person has had with respect to herself. For this reason, it is important that you detect the signals on time or emotions to prevent it in time:


  1. Feeling lack of support
  2. Loneliness
  3. Mistrust in oneself
  4. Lack of motivation
  5. Need for attention

The psychosomatic medicine It can help you overcome these emotions and improve your quality of life. Behind all physical symptoms there are feelings, fears, thoughts and emotional reactions, so you should only listen to them to overcome them successfully, as explained by Martha Sánchez Navarro, in an interview GetQoralHealth :

For his part, Dr. Arthur Janov, author of the book "Why You Get Sick and How You Get Well: The Healing Power of Feelings", all disease originates from repressed traumatic memories and beliefs that we are forming during life.


Does the second brain detonate osteoporosis?

According to a study published in the Scientific American magazine , the human body has an enteric nervous system, better known as "second brain", composed of 100 million neurons and it is located in the intestines.

The study specifies that the functions of that brain are to control the emotions in the stomach and promote proper digestion, as well as prevent the presence of diseases as autism or osteoporosis , by correctly synthesizing the serotonin .

Therefore, it is necessary that you have positive thoughts about yourself, be more firm in your decisions to prevent osteoporosis . And you, how often do you listen to your body?

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