Break your attachments

If you have noticed that someone or something is indispensable in you lifetime to the degree that you could not be happy is a sign that you are not prepared for the loss and that it costs you to break with a sentimental attachment .


The Walter Riso psychologist , author of the book Detach without anesthesia, explains that the addiction sentimental is a link obsessive by a person, object or idea. It is based on four false beliefs : that something or someone is going to do to you happy , it will give you security , give to sense to your life and what will be permanent .


Break your attachments

There is attachments sentimental that are socially acceptable, like that of a son towards his mother, but when they become corrupt comes the lost of dignity, respect and freedom.


You lose tranquility because one of the characteristics of addiction is the fear to lose what you want and, consequently, the joy . Your mind is so involved in investing resources that it loses the possibility of enjoy life with many other things, says the specialist.

To prevent this feeling from affecting your wellness because up to a certain point it is normal that you feel excessive affection towards a person or object, GetQoralHealth list 5 ways to break with a sentimental attachment.

1. Identify To get rid of a feeling it is necessary to understand that all need , physical Y affective , is potentially susceptible to becoming a addiction .

When you have no control and you feel that it makes you a lot lack ; when the need becomes something essential and you are not able to say: if I have it right, and if not, too, then it is a red focus, says Walter Riso .

2. Take care of your expressions. A addiction You can start with something as simple as what you express. The phrase "I need you" It reflects that person is indispensable and that in your life there is a vacuum if he or she. Ideally, replace it with a "I prefer you" , suggests the psychologist Riso.

3. Recapitulate. Before falling asleep, set aside five minutes for review main events You lived in the day and answered the questions: Have I spoken serenely and detachment ? Have I practiced detachment when in moments of imbalance emotional ?

4. Ask for help. Get rid of things with a value Sentimental costs a lot of work. If it is your case and you do not know how to achieve it, ask help to a friend, but if you think you can not handle it, seek professional help, he advises Kelley Harrell , in the article Supersize Chi: The spiritual cost of excessive consumption.

5. Attention Pay attention to another object, that is, substitute the object of addiction for another. By focusing your Attention in others ideas or things you eliminate your energy on what binds you and prevents you from acting freely, explains Bhikkhu Nandisena, Buddhist monk of the Burmese Theravada tradition .

It is possible to learn to detach of things and people, especially if you firmly believe that this feeling is nothing more than a belief that arises from a need. And you, why do you feel addiction ?