5 positive effects of stress

How many times a day have you felt that the stress invade your body and feel that you are about to explode? Most people have to deal daily with nervous tension, which can damage their quality of life; However, did you know that there are some positive effects of stress that you can take advantage of?

According to a study of the University of California , a person can make the most of the stress If you approach it from a different perspective, that is, if instead of seeing it in a negative way, assume it with a positive mind.


5 positive effects of stress

Change the perspective of stress It can make you healthier, because it also modifies the body's response to nervous tension. According to the psychologist Kelly McGonigal and a study of the Harvard University , the positive effects of stress are:


  1. Fill the body with energy to face the challenges
  2. Increase the heartbeat to prepare for action
  3. Increase breathing to oxygenate the brain better
  4. Become more sociable
  5. It makes you more creative

In addition, scientists detail that during times of stress the hormone oxytocin is released, called the hormone of the Hugs , which makes people feel a need to seek help at this time.

Even, this hormone protects heart of the negative effects of stress by relaxing the blood vessels and regenerating the damaged cells of this vital organ.

Both studies ensure that people who adopt a positive mind in the face of stress , keep a calmer, relaxed mind; they are less anxious and safer, so make the most of these positive effects and become more healthy with stress. And you, are you ready to change your perspective on stress?

Video Medicine: Top 5 Positive Health Effects of Reducing Stress (Healthytarian Minutes ep.8) (April 2024).