Melancholy that changes according to sex ...

Does sadness assail each one of your thoughts and actions? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in the year 2020, the depression will be the first cause of disability after cardiovascular diseases .

However, the woman is the one with the highest risk of suffering from it (one in five will suffer an episode throughout her life). In contrast, in men the prevalence of depression It is the most serious type.


Melancholy that changes according to sex ...

For the president of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry, Jerónimo Saiz, the depression It is more frequent in women because they have greater change hormonal , which alters the perception of the events of his life.

In addition, at present, the woman is asked to have many different roles; of mother, of couple, professionally competing at the highest level and often this is not accompanied by satisfaction.

Although, what differentiates us in the case of the Depression ? Here we offer five of them.

1 The start is different. For the expert Sam Cochran, psychologist at the University of Iowa and co-author of Deepening Psychotherapy in Men (Deepening Psychotherapy With Men). Men report having problems at work or with their performance in the same. The male has a greater tendency to become irritated or get angry. These emotions are not part of a classic diagnosis.

2. They are activated. Unlike women who tend to leave their activities, men act to avoid facing feelings unpleasant, points out Fredric Rabinowitz, co-author of Cochran and psychologist at the University of Redlands in California .

3. His character changes. Men are more aggressive and they look for a fight, the women are too sad to enter into discussion.

4. They are inclined to some addictions. For Rabinowit, men in depression tend to get involved in drinking or drinking drug On the other hand, women seek more food.

5. They express it . Women do not remain silent, they communicate it to others. Men simply do not recognize it.

Remember that your health is in your hands. A sadness that lasts a long time and that prevents you from making your daily activities It is not normal. Consult a health expert!

Video Medicine: The Science of Depression (April 2024).