7 tips to exercise with hypertension

The benefits of physical activity to maintain good health are many and known. However, sometimes you may have some risks. If you have high pressure For example, making a lot of effort can make your Pressure go up Here are some recommendations for exercising safely, when you have hypertension :

1. Of the three types of exercises that exist (from Stretching, aerobics and strengthening ), the aerobics (like jogging, walking, cycling, swimming, among others) are the most appropriate.

2. When starting a new Exercise routine , after having advised you with your doctor, choose an activity that you like and the schedules that you are comfortable to be able to fulfill your objective. The constancy is key.

3. Before practicing routine , remember to make a few minutes of stretching and then some minutes of relaxation , so that the changes in your physical state are not abrupt.

4. Start with routines 10 to 15 minutes a day, 5 to 6 times a week (although 3 times a week can already make a difference). With time, the ideal is to reach sessions of 30 to 60 minutes.

5. If you feel very tired or tired , review the activities you did the previous day and perform exercises milder or, directly, suspend the routine to rest until you feel stronger. It is important to maintain the balance between exercise Y break .

6. Avoid lying down for rest , because that reduces your tolerance to physical activity . If you fatigue or you lack the air during the exercise , rest sitting comfortably.

7. Try to exercise on flat terrain and not on slopes (until your physical condition tolerates it). If you have no other alternative, slow down when you go up and pay attention to your heart rate .

Remember that you must start small and gradually add other exercises or demands as you add achievements. Once your body has already acquired the flexibility and strengthening necessary, as to advance a little more.

Unless your doctor has recommended that you do not, there is no reason for you to be deprived of doing exercise and to enjoy all the benefits that the physical activity can you provide for your hypertension and your health in general.

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