Therapy with donkeys vs psychosomatic disorders

The asinotherapy , therapy with donkeys , is a therapeutic alternative developed in different countries since the 1950s. Studies show that it is beneficial in the care and treatment of people with physical and mental problems .

Specifically, they reveal that repetitive contact with donkeys improves the Balance , contributes to the development of muscles fine and, thanks to the interaction with animal , the vocabulary , the hyperactivity in the children and the lack of attention , among other benefits.

Is therapy it consists of touching the animal; It is done through the exploration of his body, of being in contact with him and his needs (feeding, brushing and walking).

At this point, the direct verbal and non-verbal communication established, the petting , contemplation and admiration stimulate favorably. The auditory and visual channels are important, but the kinesthetic (tactile-emotional) is perhaps the greatest therapeutic impact produces.

They are practiced exercises next to and above the donkey , depending on the needs of each person. This type of programs must be completely individualized and facilitated by professionals.

In GetQoralHealth we show you a video of Antena 3 so you know how to carry out a session of asinotherapy :

The asinotherapy It has been channeled in a particular way to children between 7 and 14 years old who have some conduct disorder or who suffer from anyphysical or mental disability .

The best results are being obtained in situations of hyperactivity , nervousness, depression, lack of concentration , excessive shyness, difficulties of communication and / or emotional expression, Eating Disorders , psychosomatic diseases and phobias .

Like this therapy, the benefits of interacting with animals They are proven: they are an inexhaustible source of love, company and positive effects for health. The presence of a pet at home and / or regular contact with animals relaxes, releases tension and increases the self esteem .

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