Get over it and improve your quality of life!

The resentment it's a feeling of anger that stays saved for a long time and arises every time you remember the damage that caused you some problem with a person or a break, mentions the psychoanalyst Paola Hamui.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) details that anything that causes anger In the long term, it can cause a grudge.


It is a feeling that lasts through time and if every time you remember or relate something that has to do with what hurt or hurt you, it is as if you relived that situation with the same intensity with which you lived it, although years have passed " , he says.


Anything that makes you angry and you do not elaborate this anger, can turn into rancor. There is no specific event that causes you a grudge. "

In other words, the resentment it is an angry, stuck, saved, without having spoken or been able to remove, you are left with the sensation of pain, frustration, impotence and anxiety.

By reliving the anger you keep saving that resentment and you continue to be a victim, which can have repercussions on cardiovascular, gastritis and emotional health, because you stay with that feeling of helplessness, which generates depression.


Get over it and improve your quality of life!

The specialist points out that it is best to talk about the anger at the moment or try to solve this situation as best as possible, not feel that you are always right.

Sometimes the two people are right in a problem, so it is important that you be empathetic and understand the other person, to avoid that you stay with that anger. It is wrong to think that forgiving is a sign of weakness but in reality it implies courage, integrity and is a therapeutic act, says Paola Hamui.

Holding a grudge is like staying stuck in the negative and you are still the victim of the one who hurt you, so it is important that you overcome it. The very resentful people are distrustful people and insecure in themselves.

Forgiveness improves the quality of life both emotionally and physically. It even allows you to make changes in your life. And you, how do you control anger?

Video Medicine: What Small Things Improve Quality of Life? (April 2024).