7 tips to run a marathon

The marathon it is an activity that needs an effort muscular prolonged and resistance body, so it is needed training , discipline Y concentration to do it. In addition, it improves your mental function , the speed and it puts all your body in shape.

On the occasion of XXIX International Marathon of Mexico City , which takes place on August 28, we give you some tips to carry out the activity.


  1. Feed yourself healthily
  2. Take some vitamin complex
  3. Carry out your sanitary needs before starting the competition
  4. Avoid running if you have any cardiac problem or respiratory
  5. Do not compete if you have any injury
  6. Wear comfortable and appropriate footwear
  7. Hydrate during the tour

This last point is very important, since the organism of the athletes requires a significant amount of fluid to have an optimum performance . Among the recommended beverages are: those that contain electrolytes , Water natural and the alcohol-free beer .


Alcohol-free beer, an excellent moisturizer!

This drink, rich in carbohydrates , has properties to regenerate the organism after an intense physical activity. It contains fiber , vitamins B2 and B6, folic acid (which prevents cardiovascular diseases , the anemia and the constipation ).

It is recommended for people who practice sports, they follow a diet , women pregnant or in the lactation stage.

Cheer up to exercise, it's good for your health!

Video Medicine: 8 Stages of Marathon Running (April 2024).