7 mistakes when practicing cardio

Losing weight, while toning the muscles of the whole body and achieving a better physical performance, is what is regularly sought when starting a workout or routine cardiovascular exersise.

The benefits of cardiovascular exersise they are diverse: it improves the health of the heart, stimulates the metabolism, generates a faster recovery of the musculature and is ideal to fight diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

To acquire the benefits of this physical activity it is necessary to avoid some errors that are usually made in routines and GetQoralHealth tells you what they are:

1. Too fast The popular idea is that the faster the exercise is done, the better the benefits will be, as well as saving time; however, that does not work that way. You must know that the exercise, so that it serves, you have to make it complete. Take your time and feel each movement of the activity when you work on each of your muscles. Go up and down carefully!

2. Repeat the same routine. The body adapts to routines much faster than you think. Even if you think that the more you sweat, the more fat you will lose, this is not always the case. Therefore, it is necessary that you change your daily exercises every so often. If you do so, you will notice how the burning of calories begins to be more efficient.

3. Start from 0. When you start or you are inexperienced you do not take into account or do not give importance to warming. An indispensable part in el cardiovascular exercise . Most do the activity starting from a cold spot, which can generate injuries that prevent the routine.

4. Excess. In order for a muscle to grow and form, it must rest. The abdominals, along with the muscles of the back, are the ones that you use the most, as they exert constant pressure on them. To achieve a good development of this area you should avoid excess exercise as this can lead to overtraining.

5. You run at the same pace. Your body stops burning fat when you have adapted to a certain rhythm. To get your cardiovascular exersise work, you must vary it. Intercalace speeds, this will allow you to achieve better results.

6. Drink large swallows of water. Drinking water before, during and after exercise is essential to keep the body hydrated. It is recommended every 15-20 minutes, not all at the same time. Drinking very large drinks can cause stomach pains, which will prevent you from doing your exercise.

7. Exercise with pain or injuries. Feeling some minor aches or discomfort while exercising is very common. However, when a pain becomes constant or different from the usual it is a sign that we must stop. It is necessary to take a break and lower the intensity, at least for a couple of minutes, to see if it calms down.

Performing 30 minutes a day of exercise will help you, not only to look good, but to feel better. Try it!

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