Painful, but satisfying work

After nine months of waiting, finally comes the long-awaited day to meet your baby . Before experiencing your impressive birth , your body will begin to prepare for the work of Birth which consists of three phases: dilatation of the cervix, birth and the expulsion of the placenta .

The stage of dilatation It is the most delayed Y painful . In first-time mothers it can take up to 20 hours, while those who have had other births , it can last between one to 12 hours, approximately.

Irina Burd, specialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore , United States, explains that "the dilatation of the cervix start with the uterine contractions of labor Birth and it is the longest phase of it, it is divided into three phases: latent, active and deceleration.

In the phase latent , the contractions they are more frequent Y powerful ; varies from a work of Birth to another, it may last a few days or a few hours.

The following is the active phase , when the cervix he dilates faster, to maintain three to four centimeters of dilation to eight and nine; lasts an average of five hours in the first and two hours in which they have had children.

Finally, the deceleration phase where the dilatation of the cervix continue at a slower pace until full dilation is reached and when the baby is passed into the pelvis through the birth canal.

These stages of dilatation they are a sign that the baby is about to be born. This is the longest period and painful in which it is recommended to remain calm, breathe deeply and walk quietly to withstand the symptoms.

Because it is a labor that implies a lot effort and wear of Energy , GetQoralHealth you presents 5 postures that will help you dilate faster and with less pain .


Painful, but satisfying work

In the document, Normal childbirth initiative, of the Federation of Midwives Associations of Spain (FAME) , suggests that during dilatation , in addition to a deep and rhythmic breathing, there is postures that help the Birth be more Quick Y Less painful .

1. Lying on your side with a pillow between your legs. This position is very good to stimulate circulation of legs and relax area lumbar . Preferably do it on the left side so that the blood come to the placenta and the baby gets more oxygen .

2. Kneeling on the bed resting on a cushion. To favor the dilatation , It is preferable that separates the knees As much as you can and try to join the toes.

3. Rest knees and hands on the ground. While you are adopting this position, look balance from back to front or if you can, do circles with the hips , this helps to dilate faster and to lessen the pains.

4. Sitting on a chair. Your position should be looking to him back of the chair. It's very favorable when you hurt kidneys since you remove charges in this area. Also, you decrease the baby's pressure on the pelvis, relax the shoulders Y cervical .

5. Walk. It is one of the best actions because it favors the opening of the cervix , which will make the dilatation be faster Even, moving makes you distracted and the pain feels less intense.

To stay relaxed it is also important that you control the breathing . When begins contraction Give one or two deep breaths and during the contraction you should breathe relaxed; at the end of the contraction must be inhalation and deep exhalation, suggests the book Primer to learn to give birth.

The most important thing is that you request the opinion of your doctor before doing any type of action so that your delivery is a unique experience . Congratulations!

Video Medicine: TATTOOING Close Up (in Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 122 (April 2024).