7 things that aerobic gymnastics does for you

A sedentary lifestyle is a problem that not only influences the weight gain. This is characterized by a lack of physical activity, which aims to improve the health, appearance and self-esteem of the person; But how to fight it? One option is aerobic gymnastics.

According to the Mexican Federation of Gymnastics, this discipline can be conceived as a new modality of traditional gymnastics, in which strength, elasticity, dexterity, technique and rhythm are combined.

However, what can you expect aerobic gymnastics to do for your body? GetQoralHealth with the support of Three Sports Chain they present you with the following video:

Besides helping you to reduce your sedentary lifestyle, aerobic gymnastics offers you the following benefits:

1. Regulates body weight, increases muscle tone and shapes the figure of the person.

2. Increases the elasticity of the musculature and posture

3. Increase in the incorporation of oxygen at the cellular level.

4. Improves appearance and image, which benefits the self-confidence and sense of well-being.

5. Improves relaxation, increases concentration and alertness.

6. Relieves muscle and back pain, strengthening the muscle ring at the level of the lumbar spine.

7. Increase the ability to cope with stress

In the Mexican Federation of Gymnastics, it is noted that this activity is composed of aerobic movement patterns, combination of steps and arm movements performed consecutively respecting the character of the music to create a dynamic, rhythmic and continuous sequence.

Performing 30 minutes of physical activity daily can change your life. Try it!