Femexfut and Secretary of Health against childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is one of the ills afflicting Mexican society for some years now. That is why, together, the Health Secretary (SSA) and the Mexican Football Federation (Femexfut), announced the...

Experience: the best teacher of your child

The punishment works in appearance, it seems that with it we get to have authority before our children, but in reality we will only get obedience for a certain time and at a too high cost of...

Study relationship between cockroaches and childhood asthma

Researchers from the University of Columbia, United States, discovered that cockroaches they could be the explanation for the drastic variations of childhood asthma in various parts of New York. The...

Make it simple!

Up to 40% of newborns have experienced "infant colic". This is a benign disorder that affects one in four babies, and is due to the process of adaptation and tolerance to food, including breast...

Fluorine affects children's cognitive development

According to the researchers of the Universities of Harvard, in the United States, and Shenyang in China, the fluorine that is in the water negatively impacts the brain of children by affecting their...

Cystic fibrosis may have new medication

People with cystic fibrosis could have hope thanks to a new medication that has proven to drastically improve the pulmonary function of those who suffer it.The pill is the first drug that attacks the...

Photogallery: 10 foods that harm children the most

A little more than 20% of the children between two and five years old is overweight u obesity, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.The main cause of this situation are the bad habits food...

Can smoking harm your baby?

The long list of reasons for not smoking during pregnancy has just lengthened further: children exposed to tobacco smoke in the womb may be at increased risk of hearing loss.The researchers examined...

School phobia detonates anxiety in children

Children who enter school for the first time or who change institutions feel fear or anxiety, which are normal and transitory, but if after three months the infant continues with them, the parents...

Genetic inheritance detonates infant enuresis

Does your child still urinate in bed? You may suffer from enuresis, which is one of the most frequent problems among children between five and six years of age. This involuntary escape of urine can...

Fever as an ally in the detection of infections

Fever it is not a disease and far from being an enemy is a ally. Many babies, boys and girls develop high fevers for small viral diseases, which alarms their parents rightly. Fever can occur as an...

Hormone of love vs autism

This Monday, April 2, is commemorated World Day of Autism Awareness. The syndrome Asperger also known as disorders autism It usually manifests before 3 years of age and is characterized by having...

Hyperopia is detonated in childhood

The farsightedness is an eye defect that consists of the rays of light that strike the eye focusing on a point behind the eye retina, which generates a blurred image and completely eliminates visual...

Urinary incontinence affects children

The enuresis, a condition that involves the emission of urine in bed or clothing, involuntary or intentional, diurnal or nocturnal, affects more children than girls, and may occur until adolescence,...

Ingesting breast milk reduces intestinal infection

The breastmilk exclusive during the first six months, reduces the risk of suffering in babies malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory infections, being the most effective way to provide a complete...

Blows and falls affect the intellect

The children that have severe traumatic brain injuries(TBI)at a young age, they can present cognitive development problems Y intellectual capacity in the long term as they grow, according to a study...

Primary childhood victim of hemorrhagic dengue

Each year, more than half a million people in the world are hospitalized for hemorrhagic dengue (DH). The sad news is that a large proportion of these patients are minors and many are at risk of die,...

Vital genes vs childhood leukemia

Researchers in the The University of Western Ontario identified genes that may be important to prevent acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children (ALL, for its acronym in English) is a cancer of the...

Inhaloterapia reduces symptoms of asthma

The inhalotherapy is a respiratory therapy that constitutes another resource in the treatment of bronchial asthma. It is a procedure based on natural elements such as water and oxygen, which can be...

Urinary incontinence in children

The urinary incontinence is the uncontrolled loss of urine at an age at which I should have acquired the continence. In general, this problem disappears over time, so it is usually considered part of...