Gain muscle and lose weight with weights

In accordance with Carlos Velázquez , coach in fitness, the only exercise what helps you win muscle Are the dumbbells , since cardiovascular activity burns calories, but you do not gain body tone.

In this regard, Velazquez comments: "The resistance exercise like weights, allow the metabolism accelerate. A kilo of extra muscle causes the body to burn more calories. With the only thing we gain muscle with is the weights. "

In this sense, the physical instructor, said that exercises should be alternated aerobics , with dumbbells ; this will make you miss grease and gain muscle. Some of the benefits of this practice are:

  1. Greater burning of body fat
  2. Improve your muscle tone.
  3. Prevents osteoporosis
  4. Decrease the stress
  5. You win muscle
  6. Your sense of humor improves

Carlos Velázquez, said that the practice of this sport is especially important from the age of 30, because it is from this age when we begin to lose muscle mass , accentuated after 40 years. Only the exercise of strength (dumbbells ) can stop or reverse the sarcopenia , that is to say, the quantitative reduction of the muscular mass and for that reason, implies the reduction of the strength as well as the tolerance to the exercise.

Video Medicine: The 7-Minute HIIT Workout (April 2024).