Blows and falls affect the intellect

The children that have severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) at a young age, they can present cognitive development problems Y intellectual capacity in the long term as they grow, according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics.

In this research, conducted at a children's hospital in Australia, it was analyzed at 40 children that had gone through a TBI sometime between the ages of 2 and 7, which were propitiated by vehicles of motor and accidents in pedestrian crossings and, therefore, they were serious.

The researchers examined the children immediately after the injury , as well as in a period of 12, 30 months, and 10 years. With which, they identified that they had problems with their intellectual, behavioral and social development .

In fact, the children with TBI they seemed to linger more than three years after their injury , compared to their peers and those who had gone through a mild traumatic injury .

"Some of the children with Severe TBI they performed well "after the injury says Dr. Harvey S. Levin of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine.

"There is growth intellectual with age, so it's not that these children do not keep showing intellectual development, but there is a delay ”.

Factors such as the severity of TBI and the amount of trauma associated with the injury , could have more weight when determining the amount of deficit You can experience a child, explains the specialist.

The children they are at high risk of traumatic brain injury due to its propensity to fall out , given that its sense of Balance .

Most of the falls they do not cause anything as serious as a TBI , but being close to stairs or furniture with hard edges, or going up a slope, could increase the chances of this happening and later reflected in some Behavioral, social or intellectual delay .

Therefore, it is essential to pay more attention to children and the latent risks in home , day care centers Y schools during these early ages.

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