Inhaloterapia reduces symptoms of asthma

The inhalotherapy is a respiratory therapy that constitutes another resource in the treatment of bronchial asthma . It is a procedure based on natural elements such as water and oxygen, which can be combined with bronchodilator medications to reduce spasm and make secretions easily eliminated.

This treatment to relieve the bronchial asthma It can be done both at home and in the hospital. The resources in the home can be the humidity of the shower or pots that provide steam or nebulizers.

Learn more alternatives to control the bronchial asthma , the Dr. Mercedes Yencen makes you the following recommendations:

In the case of inhalotherapy hospital, should be reserved for periods of crisis or in those patients who do not improve completely despite receiving adequate medical treatment.

The type of treatment you receive at the hospital is pulmonary physiotherapy , breathing exercises , percussions, muscle relaxation, nebulizations and breathing with positive pressure.

With all these measures, the child is expected to practice bronchial cleaning and eliminate the spasm ; increase the amount of oxygen and strengthen the lung health .

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