Fluorine affects children's cognitive development

According to the researchers of the Universities of Harvard, in the United States, and Shenyang in Chin a, the fluorine that is in the water negatively impacts the brain of children by affecting their cognitive development .

In information published by PijamaSurf , in 26 of 27 studies reviewed by scientists, it verifies that fluoride generates chemical damage to brain , which impacts on the nervous system.

For the study, the intellectual coefficients (IQ) of eight thousand children over 14 years of age were analyzed. Although only a half-point loss of IQ was found on average, it was found that exposure to fluoride can be toxic to the patient. brain .

In addition, a direct relationship was perceived, that is, children who live in areas where water has a high fluoride content obtained lower IQ scores.

"Fluoride seems to adapt well with lead, mercury and other poisons that cause chemical damage to brain "Says Philippe Grandjean one of the authors.

The researcher says that the effect of each toxic may seem small, but on a large scale, the sum of its effects and within an entire population, is serious, especially because the brain capacity of the next generation is crucial for all.

It is advisable that you drink purified water that is free of toxic substances that affect your body. There are many processes that you can use to eliminate bacteria and microorganisms. If you want to know more information visit //goo.gl/fPajJ

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