Stevia vs spots on the face

The stevia or stevia traditionally, by its use, it is known to be one of the healthiest sugar substitutes ; However, this medicinal plant, applied in the form of mask or as an infusion, helps remove stains from the face, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, expression lines and others skin problems .

The sheets of stevia They have active ingredients responsible for their medicinal properties. Within these active compounds may be mentioned fiber, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, rutin, stevioside, vitamin A and C.

The properties of the stevia , according to, also serve to improve the healing and treatment of dermatitis and eczema , used as a complement to the corresponding medical treatment, thanks to the tannins, which also give it antibacterial properties.

Also, the steviosides that it contains reduce the action of free radicals that can diminish the skin elasticity , so that its consumption returns the necessary tonicity and firmness.

To take advantage of the properties of stevia about skin , to remove blemishes from the face, you can prepare a mask in your house or apply a simple infusion of its leaves with cotton on your face.

To prepare the mask , according to, you only need to mix 100 gr of white mineral clay with half a glass of stevia infusion. Apply it every day for 10 minutes when you wake up, for a week, and always wipe it with plenty of water.

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Video Medicine: Can Stevia Trigger Insulin? (April 2024).