Urinary incontinence in children

The urinary incontinence is the uncontrolled loss of urine at an age at which I should have acquired the continence . In general, this problem disappears over time, so it is usually considered part of the maturational development of a child.

The process of continence in the childhood it is staggered and multifactorial; any failure in this mechanism of continence can lead to leakage of urine or incontinence.

The causes can be multiple, among them: overproduction of urine at night, maturational delay, lack of ability to recognize the sensation of bladder full, anxiety , urination , low bladder capacity and even predisposition or hereditary factor.

Once the problem arises, it is necessary to go to a urologist, so in an interview with GetQoralHealth , the general director of Uroclinic Group, Dr. Carlos Sánchez Moreno , explains how an adequate diagnosis is carried out:

However, when this problem arises, it not only generates anguish in the child, but also in the family environment, so that the support the child receives will be fundamental, according to information from urovirtual.net.

It is vitally important that the child feels protected and loved before this problem, so that he is not due punish , since the child will only feel more anxiety Y fear .

Parents are encouraged to talk with their children and explain the situation; for this it will be necessary to have patience, to be understanding with the child, to provide security and confidence, as well as to accustom him (gradually) to going to the bathroom before going to sleep. All this with the due advice of the specialists.

Video Medicine: How to Care for Your Child's Condition : Laughing Incontinence in Children (May 2024).