Exercises to achieve a flat abdomen

Showing a slim figure looks like a challenge, but it's not impossible, plus a diet balanced, there exercises to achieve a flat abdomen .

Data from Institute of Health Measurements at the University of Washington , states that 65.2% of women tend to suffer from overweight .

While researchers from the Ohio State University , they assure that the women they are more prone to gain weight and accumulate more grease around of the waist and the abdomen That men.

To not be part of the statistics, Nancy Tafoya , instructor of group classes , share a very simple routine of four exercises to achieve a flat stomach .

It is convenient that this routine ofexercises combine it with nutritious foods that will help you lose weight faster.

You could include in your diet the proposal of a group of experts from the Harvard University which suggests the Healthy Eating Platerduras , a kind of food pyramid in which they are integrated foods healthy

Among them, fruit of different colors, healthy proteins -legumes, poultry and fish-, vegetables cooked with healthy oils such as olive, as well as whole grains. It also recommends limit the consumption of drinks sugary .

The exercise and one diet varied are your best options for you to look a slim body and enjoy a very good Health . Are you willing to follow these suggestions?

Video Medicine: Simple Life Hacks for a Flatter Belly (April 2024).