Primary childhood victim of hemorrhagic dengue

Each year, more than half a million people in the world are hospitalized for hemorrhagic dengue (DH). The sad news is that a large proportion of these patients are minors and many are at risk of die , especially in Asian countries.

The first case of hemorrhagic dengue was identified last century, in the decade of the fifties, during the serious epidemics of dengue that occurred in the Philippines and Thailand.

More than 70 percent of cases of morbidity from this disease are concentrated in these countries and regions of Southeast Asia, as well as in the western Pacific. DH has become a major public health problem and causes hospitalization and death in children in the area.


Hepatomegaly risk

DH is a life-threatening complication that can be prevented by going to the doctor in a timely manner and avoiding self-medication. It is characterized by high fever, abdominal pains, vomiting and hemorrhages.

In the most severe cases, it is possible to detect a dangerous increase in the liver (known as hepatomegaly) as well as circulatory failure. Approximately 2.5 percent of people affected by hemorrhagic dengue die.


Why avoid analgesics

Those who suffer from DH usually experience a sudden increase in temperature accompanied by facial flushing and other flu-like signs. Due to ignorance or self-medication, it tries to alleviate the discomfort by taking analgesics that contain acetylsalicylic acid that, far from contributing to the improvement of symptoms, complicate the coagulation in the organism and cause an abundant bleeding.

This is what puts the life of the person suffering from dengue at risk and hence the importance of going immediately to the doctor.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever causes fevers that usually last between 2 and 7 days, can reach up to 41 degrees and, sometimes, convulsions occur.

In severe cases, the condition of the infected person may deteriorate rapidly after a few days of fever; the temperature decreases, signs of circulatory insufficiency appear and one can suddenly enter into a state of shock, dying in a period of 12 to 24 hours, or recover as quickly after adequate medical treatment.

In cases of moderate DH, all symptoms improve once the fever has subsided, follow-up is followed and bleeding is controlled.

Video Medicine: Treatment of Snake Bite ( Cheap And Best ) By Rajiv Dixit (April 2024).