A childish smile of ten

From very young children can get to present problems with their oral health, either by a bad tooth brushing technique or simple lack of hygiene. Although there are several conditions, a good start...

New drug guide: UNICEF and WHO

Both organizations published online a new list of medications with pediatric formulations that will help doctors and organizations learn about 240 essential medicines for save the life to girls and...

What sport to choose?

"For those cheeks you can see that he eats very well and that is why he is very healthy" is a phrase that grandmothers say when their grandchildren are "chubby"; however, the reality is that...

Childhood obesity grows due to little sleep

The obesity Childhood is a very serious problem that impacts throughout the world, because there are more than 43 million children under the age of five who have problems overweight. According to a...

Obesity shortens the lives of children in Mexico

José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, Secretary of Health of Mexico, said that overweight children could suffer a setback of up to 7 years in the Life expectancy.According to INEGI, the current average life...

WHO fights against childhood obesity

Overweight and obesity are largely preventable; The nextinformation try to achieve a caloric balance that is maintained throughout life.The recommendations of the World Health Organization are:-...

Childhood obesity could detonate fatty liver

"Fat babies are prettier", that is the philosophy of the people, but nowadays Mexico occupies the first place in the world in childhood obesity. Data from the National Agreement for Food Health,...

Dancing eye is generated by cataracts

Children born with cataracts may suffer an alteration called nystagmus, better known as "dancing eyes", Which consists of the oscillatory and involuntary movement of the eyes.In accordance with...

Childhood obesity a major health problem in Mexico

In Mexico increasingly children they are overweight because of lifetime sedentary in which they are immersed. Our country is the first place in obesity in the world. This has been tried to revert...

Acute otitis media is prevented with chewing gum

According to the analysis of several studies conducted by the University of Toronto, chewing gum containing the sweetener xylitol can reduce the risk of infections by ear, in particular from the...

Osteosarcoma is more frequent in children

The osteosarcoma is the Cancer of bone more frequent in children and adolescents. It affects more often patients with stature above average for age, and it can be suspected when the child complains...

Parasitosis generates pneumonia

The parasitism, which is generated by a bad hygiene personal and food, is reflected through abdominal pain and diarrhea; Also, when it gets complicated it can detonate diseases as the...

Poliomyelitis and world childhood

Faced with the resurgence of polio in some countries previously free of disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that as long as there is only one infected creature, the childhood...

Portable pools can be very dangerous for children

In the months when the temperatures are highest, it is when more care must be taken if your little one is affection to spend the day inside a portable pool. A study conducted in E. U. describes that,...

A bed for everyone ...

One of the most difficult decisions that parents have to face, in the childhood of their children, is to choose the space where they go to rest; however, whether for education or economics, they opt...

Almost a decade for its replacement

One of the most common mistakes of parents is neglecting the oral health of their baby. In many cases they do not know that a healthy denture is essential to chew and speak properly, hence the...

Propose vaccine against fatal diarrhea

Researchers from the Hannover School of Medicine (MHH), in Germany, discovered that if you add Retinoic acid Vaccines to fight cholera and salmonellosis increase their effectiveness. This acid...

Parasitosis is common in children

The parasitism intestinal is a infection that can be presented in any person; however, it is more common in children, according to Alejandro Amado, general practitioner graduated from La Salle...

Help yourself with probiotics

One of the most stressful moments as a mom is the transition from lactation to food solids, because we worry that our son can eat them properly and that his stomach does not suffer the...

Questions and answers about leukemia

In spite of the advances and the incessant investigation, the causes that cause this terrible cancer are still ignored. The foundation Josep Carreras against leukemia has developed a series of...