Hormone of love vs autism

This Monday, April 2, is commemorated World Day of Autism Awareness . The syndrome Asperger also known as disorders autism It usually manifests before 3 years of age and is characterized by having difficulties of brain development , social skills and communication.

Patients suffering from the syndrome Asperger or disorders autism , despite having a intelligence quotient normal, show serious problems to develop within society.

Ana Barrios of Esteco Psychologists explains what the autism in the following video:

Recent research has found that patients with autism they have very low levels of oxytocin in the blood .

To verify this relationship, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience of Lyon in France , conducted a study where they were administered oxytocin inhaled to 13 patients. It was found that by inhaling the oxytocin , popularly known as "hormone of love ", autistic patients were able to maintain eye contact in their conversations, something that they were previously incapable of.

This study also suggests that autistic patients may have "hidden" social skills and that they inhale oxytocin it helps them express them. According to specialists this hormone improves the ability of autistic patients to understand how other people respond to them, and this in turn allows them to learn to respond appropriately in contact with others.

The advances of science are increasingly advancing in the study of the syndrome of Asperger or disorder autism in order to offer patients a better quality of life. However, social discrimination is a very important factor.

Therefore, this April 2, World Day of Autism Awareness , place your grain of sand to improve the lives of these little ones.

Video Medicine: Autism in Females: How is it Different? (May 2024).