School phobia detonates anxiety in children

Children who enter school for the first time or who change institutions feel fear or anxiety , which are normal and transitory, but if after three months the infant continues with them, the parents and the teacher must find out which factors are conducive, indicates Oscar Sánchez Guerrero , a child and adolescent psychiatrist, assigned to the Mental Health Service of the National Institute of Pediatrics .

In this sense, the child who is under 9 years of age expresses not wanting to attend school, and "may be due to various factors: mistreatment by the teacher and / or classmates, abrupt changes in their home or school and overprotection, among others. refer Sánchez Guerrero .

Given this scenario, if the child mistreated by other classmates confess to the teacher or their parents what happened (sometimes) they do not believe him or tell him to defend yourself; However, the problem lies in the child's insecurity, he says. Rosa María Nashiki Angulo , specialist in human development, professor of National Pedagogical University (UPN) .


Overprotection the cause?

Similarly, it is common for children who are overprotected or "spoiled" to dislike school. According to the experts, most of these small ones present the Separation Anxiety Disorder (TAS) ). That is, excessive anguish by not being close to the people with whom they live daily.

The fact of separating, even for a short time from their parents, grandparents or those who take care of the minor generates anxiety , irritability, worry and nightmares, indicates Sánchez Guerrero .

According to the specialist, it is normal that the TAS is presented from seven months of age to two and a half years of age, but if it continues later it is considered inadequate.

And is that the emotional development of the child is affected by the condescending and overprotective attitude towards him and, this, causes that you do not want to separate from the adult, becoming, then, a dilemma attending classes.

Thus, excessive crying is appreciated outside kindergarten or primary school, "both the mother and the child suffer. In some cases, the whole family should receive expert attention. The little one, for example, will understand that school does not mean 'separation' but is a factor for growth, "he highlights. Nashiki Angulo .

In addition, if the infant does not receive professional help it is possible that it becomes insecure and in adolescence or adulthood they will be people who do not feel wanted and needed, even, they are always, say the experts, with the uncertainty that they will abandon them in the field social or loving. They also doubt their abilities and that of other people.


What are the symptoms?

  1. Poor academic performance.
  2. Complaints of abdominal pain, sickness or vomiting .
  3. Insecurity and worry
  4. Excessive crying before entering school.
  5. It does not say why he does not want to go to school.
  6. Nightmares related to separation.

Identify if you suffer school mistreatment

  1. Pretend to be asleep to skip classes.
  2. He arrives home in a dirty or broken uniform.
  3. "Loses" school supplies.
  4. He has bruises.
  5. It does not socialize with its companions.
  6. Get angry suddenly.

It is important to pay special attention to any change in behavior in children, as this is a clear manifestation that something is happening in them. Talk to your children, this way it will be easier to identify any anomaly that is happening.

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Video Medicine: Introversion, Social Anxiety, and Shyness (April 2024).