IMSS identifies causes of childhood obesity

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), with the objective of knowing the factors that develop the obesity child in Mexico and identify the causes of risk to prevent the onset of chronic...

Taste that nourishes ...

Childhood is the stage where the first illusions are formed, and essential aspects of the personality, but it is also the moment in which the body absorbs all the vitamins and minerals needed for an...

Cell research laboratory for children with cancer

In order to improve the quality of life and the self-esteem of the minors with cancer, specialists in Oncology of the High Specialty Medical Unit (UMAE), Pediatric Hospital of the National Medical...

Childhood leukemia comes to be cured with proper treatment

Although in Mexico leukemia is still the most frequent cancer in children, with a timely diagnosis up to 70% of patients can reach a total cure. According to the doctor Hugo Rivera Márquez, Chief of...

Photochromic lenses vs eyelid cancer

Excessive exposure to the sun during childhood generates different eye damage, among which is the eyelid cancer. Therefore, it is essential that you use adequate protection, while at the same time...

Bad body hygiene favors the appearance of lice

An infestation of these insects, are the result of the neglect of thehygiene of the minor, which allows them to nest and develop on the scalp and spread easily. What gives rise to epidemics in the...

Dairy benefits for children's health

The current recommendation of the World Health Organization, is that the ideal diet for the first months of life, of human beings, is based exclusively on the consumption of breast milk; However,...

Prevention measures for children

Children and older adults are the most susceptible to severe dehydration as a result of aGastrointestinal infection, so it is very important to take preventive measures at home to avoid...

More precision in the diagnosis of autism

Researchers from Harvard University, the McLean Neurostatic Laboratory and the University of Utah, develop a new test for identify autism in children, according to an article by PsychCentral.comThe...

This you must do when your child has a fever!

That your little one gets sick, is one of the most difficult experiences of being a mom, but not knowing what to do when your child has fever, it's even worse, because the impotence and the...

Children with adult hearts

Obese children add 30 years to their vascular health and suffer sufferings typical of adults as coronary diseases and arterial hypertension, among others. Even cases of children under 10 years of age...

Mexico on alert for measles

Measles is back in Mexico.Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that during the year to date 2018 imported cases have been reported in eight countries of the Americas: Antigua and...

Myopia and astigmatism are common in childhood

According to Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), eye disorders as myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness, they used to appear at productive ages between 30 and 50 years, but recent reports...

Legg-Calve-Perthes affects children

The Legg-Calve-Perthes syndrome it usually affects children from three to 12 years of age; is a condition of vascular origin of the femur.It develops when the head of femur he does not get enough...

Children with ADD and ADHD more likely to be run over

A study of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Chicago, revealed that children who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), are more at risk...

Molecule 2-DG vs childhood cancer

The alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma it's a kind of Cancer that affects children and adolescents, and represents 5% of pediatric tumors. Spanish scientists, of the Biomedical Research Institute of...

Pneumonia is the leading cause of infant mortality

The pneumonia or pneumonia is a infection of the lungs, and is characterized by congestion with fluid and inflammation, which causes difficulty for breathe or pain In addition, this is the main...

Indigo children are a public health problem

Impulsiveness, hyperactivity Y aggressiveness, are the main characteristics of the "indigo children", of which there are estimated to be 2.5 million in Mexico and who should be given special...

6 year old girls and boys already have diabetes

From age 6, overweight and obese children can suffer from type 2 diabetes, the IMSS said.In a press release, the Mexican Social Security Institute announced that due to the high prevalence of...

Neurofeedback vs autism

The neurofeedback, a technique that reaches national territory at the end of the nineties, is used by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, (UNAM), as an effective treatment against...