Bad body hygiene favors the appearance of lice

An infestation of these insects, are the result of the neglect of thehygiene of the minor , which allows them to nest and develop on the scalp and spread easily. What gives rise to epidemics in the family, school and with friends.

The lice they measure from 3 to 4 millimeters; They have flat shape and lack wings, they take the hair as their natural habitat and they feed on the blood of the scalp.

The doctor Guillermo Vázquez Rosales , infectious Pediatric Hospital of the National Medical Center Siglo XXI, commented that scratching with dirty nails can cause complications such as a bacterial infection by staphylococci and / or streptococci:

"This type of pediculosis (name of infestation by lice), mainly affects minors and young adults, with long hair, since it is more difficult to take care of it and keep it clean. Besides, the infestation , can be extended to eyebrows and eyelashes, giving rise to conjunctivitis ".

The way to eradicate lice, when they are already housed in the body, is by properly cleaning the hair with products containing pyrethrins , in addition to a daily brushing and energetic with brush and, preferably, the use of short hair.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid the appearance of these insects, the infectologist of the Social Security recommended, in the first place, adequate habits of personal hygiene , which include good body hygiene and change of clothes daily.

It is very important to clean the hair every day and not to use other people's items for their care, such as combs or brushes, since poor hygiene is always behind a lice infestation, said Dr. Vázquez Rosales.


The infestation by lice involves the unpleasant physical appearance, inflammation and redness of the skin in the affected area; with scorings , by constant scratching, since the itching is the symptom of this infection.

The specialist said that when a child or person with pediculosis is detected, it is necessary to investigate the state of health of their family nucleus and that of the community to which belongs , to try to comprehensively cover the problem and prevent reinfestations.

There are three types of pediculosis: scalp (the most common), body and pubis, all caused by different types of lice.

The female louse can deposit up to 10 eggs per day. Of these will come nits, lice in a larval state, which are the easiest to see because of their white color, Oval shaped and adhere firmly to the hair. As long as a nit remains on the surface of the organism, the disease will not be eradicated.

The most frequent way to acquire lice is by close contact. However, the tiny insects can survive up to a day outside the human being and transmitted by sharing personal items such as towels, hats, helmets, combs, brushes and clothing.