6 year old girls and boys already have diabetes

From age 6, overweight and obese children can suffer from type 2 diabetes, the IMSS said.

In a press release, the Mexican Social Security Institute announced that due to the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in Mexican girls and boys has triggered that children between 6 and 7 suffer diabetes mellitus type 2 , a condition that has one of its main causes in obesity.

Dr. Monica Leon Valadez, of the Pediatric Service of the Regional General Hospital number 1 "Carlo Mac Gregor Sánchez Navarro", of the IMSS, added that the cases of type 1 diabetes (due to insulin deficiency) and type 2 (due to resistance of insulin) occur with equal frequency due to changes in the lifestyle of children: sedentary, inadequate nutrition and little physical activity.

He added that, in an estimate of the situation in the country, it is likely that around 400 thousand children under 15 years of age have diabetes, either type 1 or 2.

The condition must be treated from the first symptom to ensure that the medicine and dietary and hygienic measures have the best results.


Characteristics and care in minors

In the type 1 diabetes, the children suffer a lot of thirst, stop eating, urinate frequently, feel very tired and decrease their activity, in an approximate time of three weeks.

In type 2, Dr. León Valadez added, the obese child presents similar changes, but in a longer period, so that parents realize their condition until months later, when they arrive at the hospital due to decompensation or infection.

He emphasized that a child with effective control of the disease, such as taking their medications or insulin on a regular basis, a diet appropriate to their needs and daily exercise, has no problem leading a normal life, like any child or healthy young person.

He said that for both types of diabetes is essential balanced nutrition, not to exceed in calories and sugars to prevent out of control. All and all children with the condition must have sports activities, and in those who are obese it is recommended that they lose weight according to their age and height.

The Social Security specialist said that if there is no adequate monitoring of the child's health status, the child will be constantly ill and school and family activities will be lost.

He mentioned that it is important to reflect that, although type 1 diabetes is not possible, in type 2 diabetes, it can be achieved through adequate diet and physical activity.

Video Medicine: Day in the Life of Type I Diabetes at 3 yrs old (April 2024).