Myopia and astigmatism are common in childhood

According to Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), eye disorders as myopia , astigmatism and farsightedness , they used to appear at productive ages between 30 and 50 years, but recent reports indicate that they occur in one in four children under 14; so it becomes one of the main causes of bad view in Mexico.

The doctor José Iván Camacho Arellano , founder of College of Optometrists of the Federal District , explains that the development of new technologies, by offering devices with increasingly smaller screens, generates myopia induced, and mainly affects children.

The eye , being one of the muscles most important of the human body, should be treated in time to not develop major problems at an early age.


Myopia and its characteristics

It is the most common visual problem of all; among its symptoms is the blurry vision and its appearance is due to the fact that the eye is larger than normal. To correct it you can use glasses or contact lenses. Dr. José Luis Merino Saldaña explains what myopia is about:

Ideally in cases of myopia greater than one diopter is to have two lenses, one to work near or middle distance (computer) and another to see from afar, drive, go to the movies or watch television. Another alternative is refractive surgery, which has been widely accepted among patients in recent years.

Astigmatism and its characteristics

It is a type of refractive error of the eye that causes blurry vision . With this, the cornea (the transparent tissue that covers the front of the eye) is abnormally curved. The cause of this disorder is unknown; normally present from birth and often presented together with myopia or farsightedness .

The astigmatism It is easily diagnosed through a standard ophthalmological examination, which includes a refractive test. It can be corrected with glasses or with lenses contact; the surgery Laser can also help to change the shape of the corneal surface.

Among the most common symptoms that children present are:

  1. Headaches
  2. Neck Pain
  3. Problems walking
  4. Insomnia
  5. Difficulty to see well

Experts recommend an adequate treatment for myopia, so it is important to check the infant from birth, as well as avoid the prolonged use of electronic devices.

In Mexico, the IMSS ensures that up to 50% of the population has a visual problem; In addition, between 20 and 30% have refractive optical problems (myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia), followed by Diabetic retinopathy Y waterfalls .

According to reports from the World Health Organization , visual problems are the second cause of disability in the world with 161 million people experiencing some of the eye's deficiencies, which in most cases have an 80% chance to be treated immediately and comfortably.

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Video Medicine: Common Vision Problems (May 2024).