What is ozone therapy

We have all heard about the benefits of ozone in our body, but what is the ozone therapy?, GetQoralHealth it explains it to you next.It is an alternative method is effective to complement the...

Holotropic breathing for self-knowledge

The holotropic respiration is a means of exploring and expanding the awareness, as well as a therapeutic tool and self-knowledge very valuable, that contributes to change, integrate or enrich aspects...

What to do when a child dies

Isabel Miranda de Wallace He lost his son in 2005. Since then he began his search to find the kidnapper and murderer of Hugo Alberto Wallace Miranda. Her struggle led her to be part of the case...

Did you know that a problem in the spine can cause a problem in any other part of the body?

Chiropractic is a system for health care that frees your body from one of the most serious forms of stress: the set of vertebral subluxations can affect your nerves, muscles, internal organs, bones,...

Recover your health with homeopathy

This technique is a natural and innocuous medicine completely free of side effects. Each sick person is treated individually, the treatment focuses on the person rather than the disease, emphasizing...

Reduce fat with Coolsculpting

Who does not dream of eliminate fat located in those chubby or chaparreras, that neither exercise nor diet have managed to make disappear? Today there may be a solution that does not necessarily have...

Rejuvenate and improve your health with wine therapy

If what you want is to have all the benefits of wine on your skin, wine therapy is an excellent technique. It has been proven that it restores the tissues of the skin, muscles and allows the...

Reiki, healing through hands

The Reiki It is a therapy or system of healing, self healing and energy rebalancing, through the transmission of healing energy, through the hands. Although there is no written documentation of the...

Reflexology, better than analgesics

Study of the University of Portsmouth suggests that one of the benefits of reflexology is to relieve pain, as well as increase the ability of people to endure it, that is, has an effect similar to...

Laugh and exercise 400 muscles of your body

In accordance with Carlos Kam Chai Sánchez Ibarra, certified professional in Laughter Therapy at the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Cuautitlán, laughter, positive emotional expression, not only...

Get healthy with acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of Chinese millenary medicine, and thanks to it, many patients manage to improve or cure their ailments regardless of surgery or aggressive treatments. In the East these methods...

Heal through acupuncture

The acupuncture It is a therapy that is part of traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment of diseases such as migraines, lumbalgias, hemiplejias or stress are treated with the use of very thin...

Heal yourself with reflexology

The reflexology It is a natural, holistic therapy that promotes the general well-being of the body and is deeply ancestral, since it has been practiced for about 5 thousand years. It has its roots in...

Reconductive healing recovers your consciousness

The healing reconectiva is a new level of healing that allows us to reconnect with our originality, fullness as spirit and conscience, says the writer and lecturer Eric Pearl.So that you understand a...

Yemotherapy to detoxify the body

Is a therapeutic method which consists in balancing the disturbed organisms by using the parts of the plants that are in a state of growth and development, as buds and buds tender, as part of the...

Metabolic syndrome improves with apnea treatment

According to a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India, apply continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) for the obstructive sleep apnea can, in addition to...

Sophrology reduces work stress

Daily life is a very extensive and varied source of negative stress factors, such as home economics, family life, children's education, traffic, illnesses and work activity. Avoiding its harmful...

Sonotherapy is effective vs. stress and insomnia

The sonotherapy is the application of sound and music for therapeutic purposes. For several decades it has been used in the treatment of various physical and mental discomforts.It is known that when...

Rose therapy, discover its benefits

The activities of daily life, and the problems that are faced in it, can generate not only high levels of anxiety and stress, but also a decrease in confidence and an emotional and physical...

Neuromodulation technique vs epileptic seizures

The epileptic seizures can be part of the past thanks to the technique of neuromodulation. This method helps patients, who can not undergo surgery, to eradicate the neurological disorder.According to...