Neuromodulation technique vs epileptic seizures

The epileptic seizures can be part of the past thanks to the technique of neuromodulation . This method helps patients, who can not undergo surgery, to eradicate the neurological disorder .

According to studies carried out by the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM ), thesurgical interventions can damage functions like language , the memory or the movement ; It is also difficult to find the place where crises are generated and it is necessary to introduce electrodes at brain tissue .

With the neuromodulation these electrodes are placed at specific sites of the gray matter and connected with wires that pass under the skin and are applied electrical stimuli imperceptible to the patient. The purpose of this method is to improve the statecognitive .

What does it consist of?

It is a health care system developed by the Dr. Leslie S. Feinberg of Hermiston , Oregon. It is the result of 20 years of exhaustive study of the numerous systems of energy medicine , which range from Chinese acupuncture up to different methods of medicine developed all over the world in recent years.

It is the process where several kinds of neurotransmitters at nervous system regulate the different populations of neurons. It is a relatively new concept in the field and can be conceptualized as a neurotransmitter that is not reabsorbed by thepresynaptic neuron .

What is epilepsy?

The epilepsy is a chronic disease characterized by one or several neurological disorders. Generate seizures recurrent, which usually leads to neurobiological, cognitive and psychological consequences.

A convulsion is a sudden and short-lived event, characterized by abnormal and excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain . Its causes are brain injuries of any kind or by Genetic heritage .

Do you know someone who has epilepsy?

Video Medicine: Epilepsy Webinar - Dr. Eric Segal, Neuromodulation in Epilepsy (May 2024).