Rejuvenate and improve your health with wine therapy

If what you want is to have all the benefits of wine on your skin, wine therapy is an excellent technique. It has been proven that it restores the tissues of the skin, muscles and allows the reduction of measurements in the abdomen.

As if this were not enough, wine therapy, also known as enotherapy, is useful for firming the buttocks and breasts. In this technique all types of wines are used, such as lambrusco , which allows to preserve the elasticity of the skin, thanks to its high content of minerals; the merlot that eliminates skin imperfections and the sauvignon , which has relaxing properties.

Wine, ally of the heart

In addition to the aesthetic benefits that can be obtained from wine therapy, ingesting it in small doses is very beneficial for health. According to the American Heart Association, it has been proven that when the bad cholesterol is oxidized, through the natural oxidation mechanisms of the organism, the development of heart diseases is promoted.

In this sense, the Association clarifies that the risk reduction is 44% among drinkers from one to two glasses of red wine per day, compared to those who do not.

The WHO notes that heart disease and stroke cause the death of 17 million people a year, which is equivalent to almost a third of all deaths in the world. If the moderate consumption of wine helps in the prevention, it must be borne in mind that not all wines have the same power against the oxidation of bad cholesterol.

Red wine, rich in antioxidants

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, in which 14 red wines and 6 whites from California were analyzed, concluded that red wines have greater antioxidant power than whites.

Based on this analysis, it is known that red wines inhibit oxidation of cholesterol between 46 and 100%, while white wines only inhibit between 3 and 6%. For this reason and many other reasons, cardiologists recommend taking a small dose of wine daily, to enjoy the healing properties of this healthy drink.

Video Medicine: How to Reverse a Fatty Liver (May 2024).