Metabolic syndrome improves with apnea treatment

According to a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India, apply continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) for the obstructive sleep apnea can, in addition to helping to sleep properly, improve the metabolic syndrome .

The treatment, which consisted in using the CPAP machine to pass gentle air pressure for three months, kept the airway open during the dream and increased the oxygen level in those who suffered from this disorder.

So that you know a little more about the sleep disorders , in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of the Clinic of the dream of the UNAM , where they tell you about it:

For his part, Dr. Surendra Sharma, lead author of the study, explains that when there is an oxygen deficiency in the apnea , causes the body to be anguished and releases hormones that can cause cell damage, in addition to driving metabolic syndrome .

This syndrome is a set of traits that indicate an increased risk of heart disease . And because most of the participants had it, there was also improvement in their blood pressure , cholesterol and in sugar levels in the blood due to the restoration of normal oxygen levels.

Therefore, it is considered beneficial that both patients with obstructive sleep apnea , as those who present metabolic syndrome , be actively examined and treated with CPAP, in addition to modifying their lifestyle and leading a diet adequate to lose weight.

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Video Medicine: Metabolic Syndrome Moving Up (May 2024).